Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Two Awards

I received two awards for my blog. Woot! Woot! I want to thank Suzanne of Chick With Books and Yvette of True Crime Book Reviews. They have been so sweet to consider this blog since it's still in its infancy stage. I had to figure out how to add the awards to my blog since I'm not that blog savvy yet. LOL.

Here are my awards:

The Premio Dardos Award

Our Lovely Blog Award
Thanks again for everyone's support. Your visits mean a lot to me.


  1. Hi Helen! Congrats! You deserve it! Your blog is wonderful!

  2. And yes, you definitely do
    Its been a while since I came to visit.Had my parents over on holiday.Running around taking them to shops and then it was my birthday.

  3. Hi, Yvette!
    Thanks and visit anytime. I hope you had a wonderful birthday and enjoyed your parents' visit.
